Saturday, December 31, 2011

Sampai D Sini Jiwang Karat Aq ..... episod 30

Hari berganti hari
Bulan silih berganti
Demi kecekalan dan ketabahan ahli keluarga aq, keadaan aq bertambah pulih sejak insiden yang berlaku semasa perjalanan pulang dari Perhentian
Berkat dari doa dari ibunda tercinta dan sahabat2 sekelian telah memeberi aq kekuatan untuk aq keluar dari kemelut kegelapan.
Namun begitu, memori aq masih samar2 dan aq masih tercari cari identiti aq yg sebenarnya.

Setelah hampir tiga bulan, aq berkampung d hospital, akhirnya aq d benarkan pulang. Masa itu, aq masih tidak pasti bagaimana harus aq bereaksi kerana bagi aq, aq sekadar pulang ke sebuah tempat yang aq rasa bgitu asing sekali.

Setibanya d teratak bonda aq, aq d sambut dengan meriahnya oleh semua ahli keluarga dan sahabat handai tapi mereka ibarat orang2 yg baru aq kenal kerana wajah2 mereka begitu asing bagi aq. Aq d layan bagai seorang putera raja, serba serbi permintaan aq d tunaikan. Aq dapat rasakan yg semua yg hadir melayan aq bak seorang yg begitu "fragile", so masing2 begitu berhati hati bila berbicara dengan aq.

Hari hari yg seterusnya banyak aq habiskan dengan cuba mengenali kembali siapa diri aq ini. Tapi d sebalik segala bantuan yg aq erima, aq masih dapat rasakan ada sesuatu yg "missing" dalam hidup aq. Gigih aq cuba memecahkan kenbuntuan mencari elemen yg hilang itu, namun masih aq asyik berhadapan dengan jalan buntu.

Hingga lah aq menerima satu panggilan telefon yg x aq duga dari seseorang. Suara yg muncul amat familiar tapi aq x dapat hendak meneka siapakah gerangan suara d sebalik sana.
"Assalamualaikum D." suara itu berkata.

"Walaikum salam." jawab aq ringkas.

"D sihat ke? Dah lama tak dengar suara D. Rasa rindu yg amat sangat." sambung suara itu lagi.

"Saya sihat Alhamdullillah." jaqab aq lagi. "Maafkan saya kalau bertanya sesuatu pada awak. Suara awak memang familiar sngt tapi siapa yg bercakap d sana?"

"Ohh. Sorry. Ni Harr bercakap. Daha lama I nak call U tapi I x nak ganggu U and nak biar U berehat so that U akan cepat sembuh."

"Thank you Harr. I really appreciate ur concern."

"U memang x ingat siapa I kan?" tanya suara yg mengaku dirinya Harr....

"Maafkan I lagi sekali. Memang I x ingat siapa U walaupun nama U too sounds very familiar buat I. I just cannot put a finger on it." aq cuba mengingat siapakah yg berbicara dgn aq ini.

"It's okay. I faham. Time will heal. I just call ni pun nak make sure U are okay." sambung Harr.

"If it is okay bole I jumpa dgn U? Sekejap ajer pun x apa." Harr bertanya.

"Sure. I no hal. Bila?" saoal aq.

"Petang ni kalau bole. Tapi I ada satu special request." jawab Harr

"Apa dia?" tanya aq curious

"I nak request U dtg umah I, bole kan? tanya Harr lagi

"I ok jerr. Ptg nanti I sampai umah U." aq bersetuju. " Oh ya, U bole textkan address U kalau x keberatan."

"Ok. Jap lagi I textkan."

So petang tu, aq pun bergegas ke rumah Harr. Tak tau apa yg aq expect. Hati aq walau bagaimanapun berdebar debar. Rasa seperti bila aq first time nak jmpa seseorang.

Sampai aje, aq trys memberi salam d hadapan pagar sebuah rumah yg tersergam indah. Salam aq d jawab oleh suara seorang wanita sambil pintu pagar di buka. Aq pun masuk menuju ke pintu depan sambil d sambut oleh seorang wanita.

"Sila masuk Pak. Ibu sedang nunggu di dalam." Wanita itu mempelawa aq masuk.

"Terima kasih Bik." jawab aq.

Aq d iring sampai ke ruang tamu d mana ada kedarat seoang wanita sedang duduk dalam wheel chair mengadap dinding.

"Thanks D for coming." kata wanita itu tanpa melihat pada aq.

"U're welcome." jawab aq ringkas. "Awak ka yg bernama Harr?" sambung aq lagi.

"Iya, I Harr. U langsung x ingat dgn I ya?" tanya Harr ....

"Tak berapa tapi kalau tgk muka mayb I boleh ingat kot." kata aq pada Harr... "Apa kata U pusing ke arah I, so that I can see ur face." ujar aq pada Harr..

"Bukan I tak nak pandang U tapi I takut nanti U x sanggup natap wajah I" Harr memberi penjelasan.

"Haaa?? Alaa pusing ajer. I ok nye." jawab aq lagi

"Betul?" Harr mencari kepastian.

"Betul." kata aq. "At least mana tau memori kembali balik." sambung aq.

"OK. Here goes." kata Harr sambil memusingkan wheel chair nya.

"ALAMAK !!!!! " ................................

....... bersambung .........

YES !!!! bersambung lagi ..... Cerita belum habis lagi daa!!!

So kene extend lerrr ....


Thursday, December 29, 2011

When You Say Nothing At All

Aq ni kalau bab nak gaduh memang NUMBER ONE !!! NUMERO UNO !!! Nak tau kenapa? Becoz bile gaduh, aq x payah lagi nak jaga tatasusila aq (bukan susilawati okay). Apa yg terlintas d pala otak aq ketika itu, dah sah sah akan kluar memancar mancarkan sinarannya.

Tambah pulak kalau ada response, lagi ler naik hantu aq. Tapi bile aq dah semakin dewasa kekadang bila ada perselisihan faham, adalah lebih baik kalau aq tidak berkata apa apa. (Jgn salah tafsir sebagai sentap okay, wahai pembaca setia aq sekelian). Sentap tidak pernah hinggap dalam vocabulary hidup aq ini.

So, ada kalanya, bila aq berdiam diri, ia akan menimbulkan seribu satu soalan di kalanagan orang di sekeliling aq ini. Rasa memang ler x best tapi hidup ni kan x selalu yg indah2 ajer. So better dok diam2 ajer kannnn. Bukan gitu?

Be Malaysian or Be American ....... Clash Between Two Cultures.

Aq di lahirkan sebagai seorang Melayu yang beragama Islam di sebuah negeri yang amat permai di utara tanahair aq yang tercinta, Malaysia. Negeri yang mempunyai panorama yang indah sambil di hiasi dengan pantai yang cantik menawan dan di tambah pula oleh hospitaliti yang mengagumkan.

Sepanjang zaman kecil aq, aq bernasib baik kerana telah di ajar untuk membuat ramai kawan. Nak tahu kenapa? Arwah ayah aq dulu kerja sebagai seorang penjawat awam. Jadi setiap dua tahun pasti aq akan bertukar sekolah. Cuba bayangkan, dalam tempoh enam tahun semasa sekolah rendah, aq telah bertukar sebanyak empat kali. Bermula dengan Butterworth ke Jelutong ke Sungai Petani and kemudian ke Ipoh. Semasa di sekolah menengah pulak, aq berkesempatan mencari ilmu di dua sekolah, well, tiga kalau di kira tingkatan enam rendah. (Itu pun aq cuma menghadir kan diri selama 45 hari sahaja)

Selesai sahaja SPM, aq dapat tawaran lanjutkan pelajaran ke Amerika Syarikat. USA tu. Tak tahu aq nak cakap bagaimana aq begitu gembira ketika itu. Banyak sebab yang membuatkan aq happy tapi aq tak boleh nak tulis di blog ini demi menjaga hati mereka mereka yang berkenaan. Tapi sebelum tawaran itu di keluarkan, aq terlebih dahulu di tawarkan untuk membuat kursus "pre-med" di USM, Penang. Mujur jugak aq tidak meneruskan kursus itu kerana dua sebab utama; Pertama, result biologi aq semasa SPM kredit pun tidak. Cuma dapat P8, kiranya sikit lagi kantoi gitu. Kedua, aq ni tidak boleh menengok darah mengalir, gerenti aq terbaring baik punya atas lantai.

Aq di USA pun kira lama jugak; lebih sedikit dari satu dekad. Masa aq mula menjejaki kaki aq di bumi Amerika, umur aq baru 17 tahun. Muda gila kan? Dan semasa aq pulang kembali ke tanahair, umur aq sudah menjejaki 28 tahun. Secara umumnya, aq bole di katakan membesar di bumi Amerika lah. Tutur kata dan budaya orang di sana menyerapi ke dalam tubuh sanubari aq sedikit demi sedikit.
Bukan maksud aq untuk meidakkan asal usul aq. Jauh sekali aq ingin membuang adat budaya nenek moyang aq. Aq masih percaya akan kehebatan budaya Melayu dan aq tidak akan sekali kali menolak ia ke tepi. Namu begitu, budaya Amerika yang telah meresap ke tubuh aq ini sedikit sebanyak memberi kesan dalam aktiviti harian aq.

Sebelum aq teruskan, izinkan aq meneruskan nukilan dan luahan hati aq yang selebih ini dalam bahasa Inggeris.

In the States, people will express how they feel openly and not worry what people would think about what we said. But in Malaysia where the culture is more subtle, people tend to be less expressive and be more diplomatic. For me, I do not have any issues with the two cultures but what got to me is that over here (i.e. Malaysia), you need to be extra careful when you say things to people. They tend to take it at heart. Sometimes statement is just a statement without any deep meaning. Why can't people just take it at face value and not analyze every single word and then make conclusion. Another thing that bothers me sometimes is why does people like to worry so much what other people think about themselves? Are they not confident enough of their capabilities and weakness? Don't that make you wonder?

I always believe that one should not change because of someone else but must come from within. Than only it will be sincere. But for me, I guess I would need to make minor adjustments on how to speak to these "Malays" as one wrong thing can cause any inconvenience.

But to do that, I will then be fighting within me as being blunt and open is not a favorable option, so I guess mending my ways will just be the other option. Lucky for me, with 9 personalities, I would need to put up different characters with different people.

Sound frustrated? You bet I am. But then living in Malaysia will require me to tone down my American ways and hope for the better of things.......................

eyeStudio Finally Coming Together

Hye my blogger fans, frens, foes and whoever U mayb,

EyeStudio Photography will be 3 months old come this December 31, 2011. (Can U guys believe it, we survived a quarter. Amazing, ain't it?)

Well, Believe it !!! Coz me and the whole eyeStudio gang beleive in what we want to achieve, either in our personal capacity or in team capacity where we want to make this studio a success.

So, the interior of the Studio is finally coming together, sooner than we expected and we look forward for better and brighter future in the years coming ahead especially in 2012.

So here's a glimpse of the studio for everyone to enjoy !!!!

This is sort of the waiting area.
Clients can enjoy while they wait for their pictures or
to unwind prior to their photo shoot

This is the reception area where negotiations shall take place

Reception area from a different angle
The chiller on the right shall display cupcakes or wedding cakes
courtesy of ZT Hot Oven
Clients can order and design their wedding cakes

This is a mock-up 'Pelamin'
courtesy of Hailey's Design
We can arrange for the set-up for your
wedding planning convenience

This is of course the core and the heart of

Editing Room where all the editing activities shall take place
Important ingredient in making a photography studio
A SUCCESS !!!!!!

This is where HR and Finance activities take place
(if U want to call it a room ????)

All business planning shall take place here.
I know it is still empty but sooooooooon ......

Another important element where all messages are
exchanged here between our great community.
Looking at the white board is COMPULSORY for everyone

A studio will not be complete without the pantry
where everyone in the community will ensured that
they will not go hungry.
A full stomach makes an employee HEPI !!!!

Masih Jiwang Aq Karat Walaupun ....... episod 29

Gelap gelita suasana sekeliling. Kegelapan yg berada d hadapan aq membuatkan aq jadi keliru. Tangan aq mengapai gapai cuba mencapai namun tidak dapat aq sentuhi. Aq berada d mana sekarang ini?

Keliru fikiran aq. Buntu tanpa arah tuju.

Tiba tiba aq terasa sentuhan d bahu aq.

Kedengaran suara samar samar namun aq tidak mengenali suara siapakah itu walaupun suara itu biasa aq dengar.

Terus aq terjaga dari lena yg panjang.

"Assalamualaikum D." suara itu berkata.

Aq jadi kaku tidak dapat berkata kata. Lidah aq kelu, diam seribu bahasa.

"D, tau tak sapa ni?" suara itu terus berkata kata.

Aq memfokuskan mata aq ke arah suara yg mengungkap salam pada aq itu. Aq tidak kenali lembaga yg berada d hadapan aq ini. Siapa kah dia?  Bagaimana kah dia mengenali diri aq ini? ... bisik hati kecil aq.

"Walaikumsalam" aq menjawab ringkas.

"Awak ni sapa? Bole saya bertanya?" sambung aq lagi. Terlampau banyak persoalan berlegar legar d kepala aq.

"U x kenai I ka?" suara itu bertanya lagi seolah olah inginkan jawapan dari aq.

"X kenai. Saya d mana ni?" aq mencari kepastian.

"U laani ada kat hospital. Dah 2 minggu U x sedarkan diri. U tau tak apa yg terjadi kat U?" soalan demi soalan d tujukan ke arah aq.

Belum sempat aq menjawab, tiba tiba sepasang suami isteri bersama seorang makcik meluru masuk ke dalam bilik yg aq sedang diami.

"Alhamdullillah laa hang dah sedaq. Risau mak ni." makcik itu berkata.

"Mak?? Awak ni mak saya ka? Saya ada d hospital? Koma dah 2 minggu? Biaq betoi." lagi soalan menyinggah d pala aq ni. Konpius aq jadinya. Siapakah mereka2 ini? Aq x kenai langsung seorang pun."


TOLONG AQ !!!!!!!!

"Hang x ingat ka? aku ni mak hang." terus makcik itu berkata sambil aq terlihat air mata mengalir turun mebasahi d pipi.

"Adik, tengak laa, abang hang dah x kenai aku. Ni lagu mana pulak. Mana doktor? Hang p panggei doktor mai laaa ni jugak" makcik itu terus bersuara dengan nadanya makin meninggi sambil berkata kepada wanita yg muncul bersama makcik itu tadi.

"Mak, sat lagi doktor mai laa. Mak tok sah la dok buat kalut tang ni." wanita itu cyba mententeramkan makcik tadi.

"Makcik, jangan la risau. Doktor dah mai tadi. Dia kata, D masih belum pulih. Dia x ingat apa2 pun and x kenai sapa2 pun buat masa ni." suara tadi menjelaskan keadaan makcik tadi.

"Sampai bila dia ni nak jadi lagu ni? Aku x kigha, aku mau doktor tu mai sini laa ni jugak" kata makcik itu seolah olah tengah meroyan.

"Makcik in mak saya ka?" aq tiba2 bersuara.

"Ya D, ni mak ni." jawab makcik itu sambil terus memeluk aq. "D jangan risau ok. Mak akan jaga D sampai d baek macam dulu."

"Tapiiiiiiiiiii saya betoi2 x ingat makcik pun. Saya minta maaf naaa makcik. Jangan makcik keik hati pulak naaa. Sungguh saya x kenai sapa makcik ni. Begitu gak ngan semua yg ada, sapa hangpa semua?" aq cuba nak memahami situasi yg berlaku pada diri aq kini.

"Tak pa cheq. Mak paham. Nanti kita p berubat naa sampai cheq sembuh." jelas makcik itu lagi.

Aq memandang sekeliling bilik. Memang sorang pun aq x kenai.

Sedang aq cuba untuk memahami situasi yg berlaku, tiba tiba kepala aq d serang satu serangan yg amat sakit sekali. Aq meraung sekuat hati. Sungguh aq x dapat nak menahan kesakitan yg melanda.
Aq meronta ronta sambil memegang kepala aq ngan sekuat kuatnya. Habis aq menendang segala yg berada d hadapan aq.

Keadaan menjadi sedikit kelam kabut dengan semua yg ada cuba mententeramkan aq. Misi2 jugak bergegas ke bilik aq d ikuti oleh seorang mamat yg memakai jubah putih.

"Nurse, tambahkan dose untuk dia" arahan yg d berikan oleh mamat yg berjubah putih itu pada misi yg bertugas.

"Sabar ya Encik D... Kita kasik U ubat tuk menahan sakit U tu." ujar mamat itu lagi.

Kegelapan kembali menyelubungi suasana sekeliling aq. Aq jadi takut. Dalam pada itu, terasa amat sakit denyutan d kepala aq ini. Bagaikan ada orang telah menebuk kepala aq dan mengepam darah keluar. Aq terus hanyut tanpa arah tuju dan fikiran aq jadi kosong bagaikan sebuah rumah tanpa penghuninya.

Sambil aq hanyut kedalam kegelapan yg tiada penghujungnya, terdengar sahutan suara memanggil manggil nama aq dan suara2 itu kedengaran makin lama semakin jauh.

D mana kah aq sekarang dan kemanakah arah aq seterusnya  .......


Monday, December 26, 2011

Around D World I Did Go ..... 2009

2009 was a very hectic year for me. I literally live at airports and out of my luggage.


Hmmm .... How should I put it?

Hell YES !!! Of course it was fun ...... for a while I guess.

Besides be able to see what people in other parts of the world lives, I do get to make new friends too.

AWESOME !!!! ........ for a while I guess.

Opening the year, I was off to Jakarta to attend a meeting for BIMP-EAGA. Interesting indeed. I didn't think people will listen to me while I was presenting. AWESOME # 1 ~ January

Dubai was my next stop. My first step into Middle East soil. I was awed ! I would always think I will go there one day but to be in the dessert and feel the breeze flowing was undescribable. Blew my mind away. Got to go to the Burj, the tallest building ever built in the universe and also on reclaimed land. Then got to visit the Palm. Amazing view. Felt like you are in the middle of the ocean and yet not getting wet! AWESOME #2! ~ February

Come March, I was off to Paris.
Paris you guys !!!!!! Though this was my second visit to the City of Romance but after a hiatus of 15 years. But this time around, I made sure I went to the "MUST SEE" places; Eiffel Tower, Hard Rock Cafe Paris, all those interesting museums, LV Boutique and many many more!!!!  Weather was chilled but hey, do I care? This is Paris we are talking about. AWESOME # 3

Celebrating spring season in Istanbul ~ April
I haven't got over the fact I was in Paris, I was off to Istanbul wher the great Ottoman empire was once the envy of everyone. Imagine being so close to the Sultanat Ahmet's Mosque @ The Blue Mosque. Great city, rich with history and culture and I was there. Of course, I would not miss the opportunity to visit the hamams, just to experience what it is all about....... AWESOME # 4 .... TOTALLY

After all those rendezous I did in Europe and Middle East, I guess it would not be complete if I did not visit our neighbors close to home. So, off I went to Phnom Penh in July. Nothing fancy but I felt like I was going back thru time. Phnom Penh was just like Kuala Lumpur in late '70s. Everything is so laid back. Not as modern but yet the people are friendly. Great hospitality. I guess I can rate it as AWESOME # 5.

Come August, I was back in Europe. But this time not to the metropolitans in west Europe but to a more subtle country. Even with war torn attmosphere, I was still amazed at what I saw in Sarajevo. Still recovering form its civil war and resulted from Yugoslavia breaking up to different nation (Bosnia n Herzegovina, Kosovo, Serbia and Montenegro), still Sarajevo is emerging as a nation that put Islam as their main religion. How awesome can that be. Remember, Sarajevo was also the main veneu for the 2004 Winter Olympics. Although buildings were filled with bullet holes, it was still a pretty sight. AWESOME # 6

Manila was my next destination. As you know, Filipinos are "handsome and pretty" people. What attracted me most was the English spoken. There was strong Spanish presence in their daily conversation even though they speak English.

After Manila, then there was Cotabato City, located in Mindanao, where the Muslim majority reside in the Philippines. Not as grand as Paris or Istanbul, Cotabato City represent a small and quiet community, away from the hustling and buzzing of any big cities. But that was not the surprise I got when I was there. Never have I encountered anywhere before this, a notice put up at the entrance of a bank saying "PLEASE LEAVE YOUR GUN HERE". Talk about culture shock !!! It seems that almost 85% of the Mindanao population carries some sort of ammunition. BELIEVE IT !!!!!
AWESOME ????? Most definitely AWESOME # 7.

And then there is BANGKOK. Always dream of going there and when the opportunity knocked on my door, without hesitation, I was there in November. I've heard a lot of stories about Bangkok and while I was there, of course I did explore some of the places. Can't waste the opportunity given. AWESOME # 8 without a doubt.

Finally closing the year of my excapade around the world, I was at Amsterdam. Free and easy, that's what they say about the city. I had an excellent time with the musuems (including the sex museum okay), the "RED LIGHT DISTRICT", the food but the only downside was the weather as it rained all throughout the time I was there. All in all, still AWESOME ....... # 9.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Why Must U Assume?



I do not understand why.

Is it wrong, if U are not satisfied or miffed with me, just come out and say it?

Why the silent treatment?

Do I deserve this? Did I do something that is so wrong that you decided to be angry with me without even bother asking me?

Just out of the blue I felt lost and wondering what I've said or done wrong.

And to make matters worse, U posted it on FB !!!

FB !!!! Damm !!!!!

Does the whole world need to know U being sarcastic?

We should be moving forward but instead I feel we are moving backwards instead.

Ya Allah, please give me strength for I am running out of energy BIG TIME ......

I guess, it's just ME !!!!!! tonite .....lost for words .......


By definition in Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary, an opportunist is someone who makes use of an opportunity and especilly to get an advantage of oneself.

Someone who knows when to seek and gain advantage over situation that will benefit oneself. It's not a bad thing unless one uses the opportunity at someone else's expenses to get ahead.

Then there are "someones" who will ride on other people's success coat tail to get ahead so they won't have to work hard; in other words, mainly breezing thru life.

These opportunist usually will be your best friend but the moment they realize they will not be gaining any benefit, you will be dropped from their circle of friends. These people tend to be calculative and more than likely conniving in order to ensure what they desire they will get no matter what.

Sad, but it's true when we have to deal with these type of people. The best thing you can hope for is to be cautious as not to be taken advantage of ....................................

eyeStudio Photography Update

2011 is coming to an end. Alhamdullillah eyeStudio Photography is doing well. Surprised at the response we've been getting.

As the studio revolves, so's the force behind it. I guess one has to accept the fact when dealing with humans, it will go thru the process.

As 2012 just around the corner, eyeStudio would like to revel our new strong team that insyallah will bring the studio to greater heights.

 First, of course there's ME !!!!
The "Cher Ching" Sifu of the Studio

 Then there is Aizul .......
  The "Creative Mind" Sifu .......

 The Sifus would not be complete if no one keeps them in line.
This is where Aida comes into d pictures

 Graphics and creative deisgn is under Shafik ....

  ..... and Reen is always there to assist

  Besides Aizul, Shafik and Reen, the "Snap Snap" team also include






      Also, not to forget our videographer,
the multi-talented Aloy

Also, any studio would not be complete
if there is no one does its
Welcome to our newest member of eyeStudio

KZ, our Business Development

Well, now U know who's who in eyeStudio, wait for more updates from the creative minds of


Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Hadir Mu Membawa Sinaran

Pernah tak korang melalui saat saat bila ada seseorang yg d takdirkan hadir dalam episod kehidupan korang.......

Saat yang seolah olah membawa cahaya yang menyinari serata alam semesta. Segala yang ada terasa amat indah sekali ........

Pernah tak ? Pernah tak ?


Around D World I Did Go ........ 2008

It has been a very demanding and challenging 3 and half years at IHI Alliance. No regrets and no looking back. As usual, somtimes thru our journey of life, we would need to make sacrifices in order for us to move forward.

But looking back to d 3.5 years, I was very fortunate to have the opportunity to travel, visit and learn the different cultures throughout the global. Although d journey has yet to complete but I am still honoured to have the privilage to serve the company, religion and mostly the entire human race.

Here are some of my memories and freinds I made during the exciting and sometimes gruesome journeys.

This was my first and last international assignment with Carrefour Malaysia. I was quite nervous as I had to present  a paper for international audience.

This was my first assignment with IHI Alliance. Of all countries, I get to visit Brunei. Kinda laid back community and not much night life. (Well basically zero.....) One experience I will not forget about Brunei was the difficulties of getting a cab to move around. What an experience when the cab driver agreed to fetch us (me with Hafiz and Sharifah) ditched us.......

Hong Kong was my next destination. Overall very amusing and nice. Of course Halal food is like a gem here but we managed (me and my bos, Mr. Darhim). Nina of Intertek Indonesia has been very hospitable to us and followed us to shop at the night market. My surprise about Hong Kong was that their taxi cab drivers could not (or would not) speak English. Weird, ain't it? And my only "not-so-pleasant" experience here was when I was stopped by the Hong Kong Immigration officer before departure as she could not figure out my last name and my picture in the passport and actual differ. I had a goatee then while my picture showed a clean shaven image. Damm!!! Was I pissed of ...... Well, you guys know me and my 9 personalities @ Mr Mood Swing .... Hahahaha

Well I guess that was it for 2008. I will share with you more soon ....

Chaio .....

Monday, December 19, 2011

Meniti Hari Sambil Ber Jiwang Karat ..... episod 28


"No way this is happening !!"

"Apa U ni?" tanya Harr ...

"Cuba U tgk dalam ni. U x cakap pun yang kat resort ni letrik pun x der."

"Don't tell me, bayar mahal2 dorang sediakan katil jer." bebel aq seterusnya.

"Alaaaa U ni, small matter camni ni pun U nak bising2 ke? I dah malas nak dengar lerr."

"WHAT ????" "Please tell me I am not hearing this!"
"F*@k THIS !!!!!!!!!!!
"Kalau I tau camni ler, x hingin I nak datang."

"Laa, yang U nak hangin x tentu pasal ni awat?  Bukan nya teruk sngt pun. Kalau U nak bising2 camni, apa kata U g balik jer laa" ujar Harr pada aq.

Berderau darah aq bila aq dengar Harr berkata kata. Apa lagi, bertambah hangin ler aq. Dek kerana terlampau marah, aq pun trus storm out from d room. Tapi x jauh mana pun pergi coz kat blakang chalet tu hutan belantara dan d hadapan aq lak, terbentang lautan seluas luasnya.

Rasa menyesal pun ada jugak aq ke Pulau Perhentian ni. Tapi nak wat camner kannn. Relationship aq ngan Harr dah mula goyah.Asyik dok perang jerr. Cuma ngan Harr ni kalau fight-fight x ada thrill. Korang nak tau apasal? Coz dia akan diam seribu bahasa. Sekali pandang, orang akan kata aq giler coz mcm cakap sorang2.

Tapi yg wat aq paling terkezut kali ni, Harr dah brani bersuara ngan aq. Dari mana lak dtg Tok Sheikh dia? X pernah cam ni. Dalam banyak2 tempat dia nak bersuara, kat tempat terpencil ni ler jugak. Ntah2 makhluk mana ler pulak yg merasuk badan dia.

Hisshhhhh ! Memerang segala bulu kat badan aq ni. Dek kerana hangin koos koos yg masih ada dlm badan, aq pun trus kuar dari chalet and berjalan d pantai sambil menikmati angin sepoi2 bahasa Mandarin yg bertiup memenuhi keadaan sekeliling.
Tujuan aq dtg Perhentian ni pun dek kerana dia tapi kalau nak dtg jauh2 nak gaduh, baek aq gaduh jer kat Penang tu, tak membazir duit. So aq bertekad, walau apa sekali akan terjadi, aq akan mengawal emosi aq agar ia tidak bertukar menjadi lautan yg bergelora. Walaupun susah bagai, namun tetap aq akan mencuba.

Lepas dari insiden itu, percutian Harr ngan aq agak cam biasa2 jer. Masing2 wat aktiviti sendiri. Harr busy ngan snorkelling dia and aq lak busy ngan cuba berjinak jinak dalam bidang penulisan. Walaupun kami berada d Perhentian cuma selama 4 hari, namu aq rasakan bagai 4000 tahun. Memang dah x sabar nak menjejak kan kaki d bumi tanah besar.

Dalam perjalanan pulang pun masing2 hanya berdiam seribu bahasa. Seolah olah ada permata yg bertakung d bawah lelangit. Sepatah d tanya, maka sepatah la d jawab. Since aq bz melayan diri sendiri sambil mengelamun jauh, tetibe Harr bersuara,

"U, I ada bende nak cakap ngan U ni. I harap U tak akan marah k."
Woit! Lain macam jer bunyi intonasi suara Harr.

"U janji ....." kata Harr lagik

"Oka laa I janji." jawab aq ringkas.

Belum sempat aq mendengar soalan yg aq tunggu2 kan dari Harr, terdengar satu dentuman yg kuat d belakang aq !!!!!!!

..... bersambung .......

Friday, December 16, 2011

Be True .......

Someone said to me the other day that I am too blunt.

Am I ? Of course ......

I guess the years I spent in the States have a continous effect on how I carry myself throughout the years.

But you guys wanna know something? I like being blunt coz then, I don't have to be pretentious.
You get what you see (as they always said it !!!!!!!)

But then the culture different requires you to be more diplomatic as not everyone you encounter can accept you the way you are. This is where I strongly feel that you need to make a minute adjustment in your daily dealings with other human species in order to ensure they do not "terasa hati".

As you progresses through your journey of life, you will however learn to adapt to your current environment and insyallah, hoping for the smooth and best journey ever. I know I had to. You do not and ever want to hurt the feelings of those closest to you; be it your mom, family, "special fren", your staff and also your business partner.

All in all, analyze and evaluate each situation differently and with Allah guidance, insyallah I will prevail in the end.

But most important, I MUST and ALWAYS be truthful to me, my beliefs and my destiny .......

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Thank You ........

Believe it or not, eyeStudio Photography is 3 months old. How time flies. Started operations since September 15 and officially opened our doors last October 1, 2011.

I, well both me and Aizul did not expect the business to boom this fast but it did. Scary, ain't it? Without full blast promotion, we have managed to garner interest not just among our freinds but the public as well. For that I am very grateful to all the support staff that helped us to where we are today. (regardless that some have left the organization, YES, some have left even at this very young stage of the studio.)

Each and everyone of them has contributed in one way or another, be it planning, marketing, design, photography, editing and the administration. For all those contribution, both Aizul and I shall forever appreciate your efforts.

Now, with 2012 looming just around the corner, we are looking forward for a better and more prosperous year as we need to get a niche for both eyeStudio and Eye Development. There are a lot of programs in the pipeline and now it is our initiative to turn it into reality and of course to see the "CHER CHING" rolling in. (Hahahaha .......)

Look out for what has been planned. Just don't want you guys to miss out on any GREAT deals both eyeStudio and Eye Development has to offer. So, be on alert and support us and for those who has, from the bottom of my heart (and I'm sure Aizul's too)



Thursday, December 8, 2011

Menyepi Seketika .........

Lama betul aq x update journey aq ni kannn. Bukan nye ape, tapi bz sngt ler semenjak dua menjak ni. Apa pun aq berjanji akan kembali bersiaran.

Tu pasal ler aq menyepi jerr. Bukan ape. kekadang tu body aq yg masih gah ni terasa keletihan yg amat sangat walaupun otak aq berkobar kobar nak melebarkan karya dan ceritera yg masih banyak berlegar legar d pala otak aq ini.

Banyak giler cerite aq nak kongsikan with everyone. Antara nya .................

1st : Ceritera "Jiwang Karat" aq pun dah hampir sampai ke penghujung nya. Korang kene nantikan penamat cerite aq ngan Harr ..... mesti korang x sabar nak tau ending dia kan ..... Kalau camtu, kene tunggu arrrr.....

 2nd : Also (ceh wah, tetibe speaking Tennessee), nantikan jugak hup-date2 eyeStudio Photography. Walaupun baru berusia 2 bulan, dah macam2 drama yg terjadi ....... And tak lupa jugak, promotion2 baru yg bakal d tawarkan.

3rd : Bile ceritera "Jiwang Karat" melabuhkan tirainye,  mesti korang nak tau ape yg bakal akan muncul d blog perjalanan aq ni kannn ..... Ni prebiu tuk korang wat tatapan ...... Ceritera yg bakal menyentuh hati dan perasaan korang ................................ "Di Gamit Memori" ..........

Aq rasa tiga ni pun dah cukup kot dulu. See ya guyz later k......


Friday, December 2, 2011

Benci Aq Bila Soalan cepu Emas D Tujukan Kat Aq .....

Pejam celik Pejam celik dah bulan Disember. Sekejap aje kann. Rasa macam baru smalam sambut tahun baru. Bulan Disember ni biase ler ngan kenduri kendara nya.

Sebagaimana biasa, aq mmg jarang sekali nak g kenduri2 nii. Bukannya anti sosial atau x tau hidup bermasyarakat tapi mmg aq x suka sejak dari azali lagik.

Namun gitu, adaler jugak aq menjenguk kat kenduri kawen "some" of my frens. Satg kalau aq x tunjuk muka, d kata nya pulak aq ni sombong.

As expected, bila dah pg kenduri ni semua, routine dia cam biasa arrr. Makan nasi and hoping aq x dapat migrane, berjumpa ngan kawan2 lama (sort of reunion ler jugak since everyone pun bz ngan kerjaya masing2).

Then came d SOALAN CEPU EMAS !!!!!!!!!!

Kwang Kwang Kwang

"Ko ni bile lagi?
Dah menduda lama sangat tu?
Nanti bila sakit, sape lak yg nak jaga makan minum ko?"

Terus berdesing telinge aq, tapi x leh nak marah2. Nak tau nape? Coz yg tanya tu selalunya yg dah lama makan garam dari aq, so kene ler respect. Apa yg aq bole buat ialah sekadar mengetip gigi dan melemparkan senyuman kambing aq yg menawan tu .. Hahahahaha

Walaupun dah berkali kali soalan ini d tujukan pada aq, ia tetap memebri satu hirisan d sanubari aq.

So !!!!! Now U guys know why I avoid weddings .....................................................................