Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Ohhhh !!!!! Jiwang Karat Aq .... episod 25

"HAAAA !!!! Tau pulak hang balik kat ghumah ni. Aku ingatkan hang dah tak ingat jalan balik." jerit mak aq sebaik saja aq menjejakkan kaki aq d rumah ayah ngan ibu aq.

Aq sekadar tunduk ke lantai kerana aq tau selama ini aq telah berdosa pada kedua ibu bapa aq. Langsung aq tak terfikir mereka akan kecil hati dek kerana aq tak pulang ke rumah. Bukan nya ape tapi aq kan dok asyik berulang alik from Penang and KL. Asyik dok melayan buah hati hingga terlupa kekadang tu kita ni masih ada keluarga.

"Alaaa mak nya ooi, biaq pi lah kat dia. Dia bukan budak2 lagi. Dah besaq panjang." sampuk pulak oleh ayah aq.

"Bukannya apa Pak nya, kalau dah berkawan smpai tak ingat keluarga, dok kena peringat laa jugak> Satg kalau dah jadi benda yang x elok, sapa yang malu, KITA JUGAK !!!!" sambung mak aq sambil meninggikan suara sikit.

Mak ai, Bole tahan ler jugak telinga aq bernanah ni. Tapi nak wat camner kan, hadapi jugak ler ngan hati yang terbuka.

"Ni hang balik mai ni hang mimpi apa? Ka smalam hang jatuh tangga ka?" mak aq sempat menyindir aq ngan soalan soalan panazzzz.

"Mak tak mau cheq balik ka? Cheq mintak maaf banyak 2 kat mak. Bukan selama ni cheq tak mau balik tapi kerja banyak sangat." aq cuba memeberi penjelasan.

"Awat hang? Hang tok sah la dok pemohong kat sini. Ni ! Anak orang laen pun kerja jugak. Tapi depa tu tau nak balik mai jenguk mak bapak depa. Bukan macam hang." sambung mak aq lagi. Sekali pandang, sah sah aq nampak asap keluaq dari dua2 telinga  mak aq.

"Alaaa, sorry la Ma. Betoi, pas ni cheq janji x buat lagi." sambil tersengih lalu meletakkan kepala aq d bahu bonda tercinta.

"Tu laaa hang. Kalau x biaq mak hang berletiaq, tak bole ka?" ayah aq pulak menyampuk.

"Sorry ea Mama ngan Papa." trus keluar western pulak sambil aq berlari naik ke tingkat atas.

"Mujoq hang dah besaq. kalau tak, mau "PANG" sebijik." mak aq masih lagi membebel dari dapur.


"Abang kena marah, YEAY !!" .... "Abang kena marah, YEAY !!" TiCheq dok mengajuk kat aq masa aq smpai ke tingkat atas. Adik2 aq yg dua orang lagi pun dok tersenyum2 sambil tunjuk tanda "good" dan menggerakkan ibu jari mereka.

"Korang perli abang ka? Sapa soh dok dengaq? Tak dak keja laen ka?" aq sergah kat adik2 aq.

Sambil menjelir lidah ke arah aq, TiCheq berkata, "Suka hati kami laaa. Padan muka. Sapa soh x balik2. Kalau ngan gurl-fren tu macam belangkaih.'

"Ni satg ada orang nak kena ngan abang ni kang !!!!" ugut aq pada TiCheq.

"Kalau brani, buat laa, nanti TiCheq habaq kat Mama ngan Papa." balas TiCheq ngan aq.

Ahhhh !!!! Malas aq nak layan. Baik aq masuk bilik layan walkman lagi baguih.

Sedang aq berbaring ke atas katil sambil mengelamun, tetiba aq terdengar TiCheq menjerit dengan sekuat kuat hatinya, "ABANG !!!! TELEFON !!!!! ADA POMPUAN NAK CAKAP NGAN ABANG !!!!"

Terus aq berlari turun tapi alangkah terkejut bila aq sampai separuh jalan turun tangga.

Aq terlihat mak aq terus merampas ganggang telefon dari TiCheq dan terus berbual.

ALAMAK !!!!!

Ni camner ni?

Aq belum introduce Harr... kat family lagi.

Habis lah aq camni .....



Monday, September 26, 2011

COUNTDOWN TO .........

Hye geng semua.

Lama betoi aq x update blog ni kann. maklumler bz sikit semenjak dua menjak ni.

Neway, setelah idea bertukar sesama and d lontarkan arah perjalanan yg harus d tuju, akhirnya, ia bakal menjadi kenyataan d mana anjakan paragdima hidup aq bakal bermula.

Lembaran baru akan d tempuhi,
Rintangan dan cabaran harus d harungi.
Berkat doa menjadi iringan.
Untuk sebuah impian menjadi realiti .....

Harapan agar kejayan meniti segala hari hari yang mendatang,

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

ANUAR ZAIN .... Tinggalkan Aku

Tetibe lak aq cam minat sangat lagu nihhh ......


Ntah ler. Mayb aq sukakan melodi and lyrics lagu nih and also penyanyi dia skali laaa .... Excellent VOICE .......

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


I came across this in one of my FB frens file. I thought I shared it with my frens.

So do U guys think?

Charlie's Angels .....

Ni mmg feveret TV show aq dulu masa aq belum dewasa lagik.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Do We Need DRAMA to Make a Relationship Work ?

Do we really need drama to make a relationship work???

I have been in a relationship before where everything falls perfectly at place. I hardly quarrelled. Every time when I raised my arguments, my ex just agreed and followed my say. Everything was wonderful..........but at the end, I became bored. Then I chose to walk away...

Most people always said, their dream relationship is when there are no quarrels between the two and a lot of tolerations. Well I wonder, am I not just one of those people?

Or actually, these are all just unrealistic say from some people who are happily going through their lives with the love ones in a FLAT TONE until they don’t even realized that their marriage or relationship is going dead?

Don’t get me wrong, I had been in a relationship before where at first we thought we were a perfect couple, but as day goes by, we were quarrelling in every single matter and it also became dead at the end because there were too much anger and devastation.

But to be in a relationship where there were hardly quarrels, you agreed with your partners in almost every single decision and no arguments? Definitely not for me.

Let me ask you one question, have you ever fight with your love one and after both of you sober, you feel such a strong love towards your bf or gf? The attachment feeling grew tremendously and that’s when people said ‘THE MAKEUP SEX’ was superb!

To me, all of these fantastic feelings that I felt after the fight that makes me more attached and love the person stronger.

For example, it has been for 5 days straight where I and my partner didn’t fight. We enjoyed our hangout time, romantic sex and etc. But as you know when you have been with someone for months, it is kind of normal when the physical effectuation going down a little bit. As we all know, the sex will gets a little boring when you are playing with the same ‘equipment’ over and over again although you have to admit, the companionship will gets stronger the longer when you are with a person. The emotional part just grows. Well that night when my partner tried to kiss me and started the action, I was not in the mood. Surprisingly, at the beginning of the relationship, no matter how tired I was, I would be able to turn on and was always interested for it. So to spice things up, suddenly I brought up an issue about my partner was staring towards another guy when we driving back home from my car’s window at one traffic light stop. Well at first my partner didn’t want to pick a fight, but as I was actually pissed off about this thing and determined to bring it up as an issue, it started to become a quarrel. The most important in creating a drama is that, you must be really dissatisfied about an issue. You can’t fake it. It won’t look real. I can’t pretend that I am angry about something but the truth is I don’t. I was really pissed off about the stare but on that particular moment when it happened, I didn’t want to start a fight. Honestly to me, it was not a big issue. My sweetheart could have been looking at that guy for various of reasons that I don’t even bother to know. That is why this was a drama! My partner was defending and I kept on attacking.

Finally we both kept quiet in a very angry mode. After a while in this silence tone, I began to apologize for made it such a big issue. My partner also said sorry if my feeling was hurt. Then I started to kiss my partner and boyyyyyyyy I tell yah...the kissing was not the normal ordinary romantic kissing! It was a HUNGRY FRENCH KISSING! The feeling was amazing. As the relationship was rekindle. The makeup sex was marvellous!

Boy oh boy...I really don’t believe in a flat monotonous tone relationship. If you are looking for guy that is always sweet, caring, loving all the times and will not create a problem, I am pretty sure that I am not the one. A relationship with me is full of hiccups, bumps, ups and downs and sometimes it can really makes you going crazy. This is my style. This is my way of keeping the sparks for a long time.

Tell me something to those who are agreeing with me out there...

***** Imported from blogspot seseorang *****

Friday, September 9, 2011

Aq Perasan Suci D Persisiran Pantai ......

Hehehehe..... Ini sambungan cerite aq dok perasan masa kat Melaka....
Gambargrapher : Sapa lagik kalau tak Aizul Marcello and sidekick TaQ.

Controversy ????

Ni lak pic sahabat aq masa kat college dulu.......

Santapan Wajib Di Aidil Fitri

Dukacita Menghapuskan Dosa

Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda "Apabila seorang hamba terlalu banyak dosanya dan tidak ada amalan untuk menghapuskan dosa-dosanya, Allah akan melibatkannya dengan kedukacitaan untuk menghapuskan dosa-dosanya" (Riwayat Ahmad dari Aisyah r.a.)

Jikalau seorang hamba melakukan amalan kebaikan, ia akan menjadi menghapuskan dosa-dosa kecilnya. Tetapi jika dosanya telah terlalu banyak dan dia tidak melakukan sesuatu untuk menghapuskan dosanya, maka Allah akan menimpakan sesuatu yang mendukacitakan atau merungsingkannya untuk menghapuskan dosanya. Misalnya anak dan isterinya demam demam, tayar keretanya pancit, keretanya rosak dan sebagainya.

Dari Abu Said Al-Khudri dan Abu Hurairah r.a. "Seorang Muslim itu tidak ditimpa sesuatu dari keletihan, penyakit, masaalah (kebingungan), kesedihan (kerana kehilangan sesuatu), kesengsaraan dan duka cita sehinggakan (kepada) duri yang menusuknya (menyakitnya), kecuali Allah menghapuskan (mengampunkan) dengan sebabnya sebahagian daripada dosa-dosanya" (Riwayat Bukhari dan Muslim).

Mana-mana Muslim yang sakit atau terkena sesuatu musibah digugurkan dosa seperti pokok kayu gugur daunnya di musim luruh. (Riwayat Bukhari Muslim dari Ibnu Mas'ud)

"Bila aku (Allah) mengenakan satu musibah ke atas hambanya samada ke atas badannya, hartanya, anaknya dan disambut dengan baik, aku malu hendak tegakkan timbangan amalannya" (Riwayat Muslim, Hadis qudsi sahih)

Orang yang sakit lama dan diterimanya dengan redha, maka diampun dosanya kecuali dosa dengan manusia. Segala musibah ada pampasannya kerana ia datang dari Allah (takdir). Ada pampasan sehingga habis segala dosa.

Walaupun orang yang kena musibah itu hamba Allah, Allah berhak melakukan apa sahaja ke atas hambanya, namun Allah malu hendak menimbang amalan hambanya yang sabar dengan musibahnya di hari kiamat. Musibah itu menyedarkan manusia tentang kesalahannya supaya dia insaf dan "reverse" kesalahannya.

Imbasan Kembali 2010 .... Cagayan del Oro ....

Dah lama aq tak tulis psal Imbasan kembali aq ni. Yang ni masa aq g Mindanao, ada Halal event. (kire aq ni cam program coodinator lerrr).

Program 3 hari kat Cagayan del Oro ni quite interesting jugak. Walaupun majority daripada penduduk Islam Philippines tinggal d kepulauan Mindanao, namu apa yg aq dapati, sektor ekonomi masih d pegang oleh golongan bukan Islam. Interesting kan?

Problem utama kat Philippines ni ialah kerana umat Islam yg tak seberape jumlahnye kat negara Kristian ni asyik berbalah sesama mereka yg menyebabkan ia menjadi satu issue yg berpanjangan dan tiada kesudahan nye.

Apapun, aq tetap GLAM masa kat sana......hehehehe

WARNING !!!!! Penting Ni Korang Kene Baca...

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Think About What U Want.

Knowing what you want is not easy because it changes constantly but thinking about what you want from life and what your goals are is an important step. Next ask what is it that you value, wealth? spirituality? happiness? friendship? family? learning? development? and so on. Do your "wants" match what you value?

If they don't then it may be time to reassess.

Do U Believe in LOVE at First Sight or Is It Really Just LUST at First Sight ?

I do believe in love at first sight. My last two significant others were cases of this. Obviously physical attraction plays a part (a major one !!!) but I remember meeting them vividly. My first significant other tapped me on the shoulder on a dancefloor. As usual, the first liner sounds like this, "I've seen you somewhere. Your face look familiar."  I remember my breath being taken away and I felt like I had been struck by lightning. We are still great friends. The second was introduced to me by a mutual friend. I remember being completely smitten from the moment we met. It would be easy to say it was lust at first sight but lust fades eventually where love remains. Those two relationships lasted for a total of 5 years, lust as I have found it tends to last only a couple of hours. Hahaha

So how do you know if you are in love or in lust...

I think only time can tell. Physical attraction and lust are strong emotions that can blind us to a lot of things. They are often mistaken for love, and they fade over time. Love too can fade but the difference that the attraction is more than just purely physical. We often talk about the 6 month honeymoon period in relationships.

It refers to the first six months where everything is shiny and new and our worlds revolve completely around our new loves. It is the time when you are exploring each other and really learning who your new love is. Once this euphoria of being in love passes and you have gotten to know your partner warts and all the real test begins.

Your love making takes on a new dimension. You will know it when it happens, it's something indefinable but sex is always better with somebody you love. The crazed heat of lust is replaced with intimacy and a deeper connection.

Relationships require nurture, love, work and compromise. somebody who is simply in lust is unlikely to see these things through. Somebody who was only invested in your bedroom antics will not stick around when you decide you want to settle down.

Things That Make U Go Hmmm ......

"I never think of
in the road as going backwards.
Sometimes I go fast
sometimes I go slow,
never backwards.
Change your thinking
change your world".

Where Did My Creativity Go ?

There is no denying that with all these festive moods lingering within my blood streams and my increasingly busy schedule, D JOURNEY experiences has been quieter than usual lately, this has been made worse by the fact that I seem to be suffering a serious bout of writers mental block at the moment. (not to mention the occasionally migrane attacks)

I try to write about what is topical, inspirational and important to me at the time, but it seems that with the increase in my workload and visiting relatives and frens during this Eid Fitr that my inspiration is lacking the creativity. I have tried to keep things interesting and stay away from letting the blog simply become a list off all the mundane things that I do in my life. Like a stream of status updates, I don't want to blog about going to the shops and who is driving next to me in the traffic jamms.

So I am throwing it out there to you guys one more time.

Can anybody help me with my blockage? Creativity dear, please come back to me soon !!!!!

I MEAN REAL SOON ....................


Friday, September 2, 2011

Aq Nak Perasan, bole? .... Ngan BEBE

Macam yg korang tahu aq ni kan very der VAIN. So x salah kan kalau aq saje2 nak perasan depan kamera ........ HARUS !!!!

Ni fotoshoot aq wat kat Melaka sebelum pose aritu. Fotographer dia muda lagi tapi very creative....
Sape lagik kalau bukan gambargrapher Aizul Marcello...... Terbaek Wokkk !!!!

So korang enjoy arrr pic aq ngan of koz, sape lagik.... kalau bukan BEBE aq niiii


Pada semua geng2, aq ingin nak ucapkan


Camner ngan raya korang? Aq nye cam biase, quite ok.... Tapi aq hepi coz mak aq hepi coz hampir semua anak dia balik tahun ni (despite the year has been quite controversial). As usual, pagi raya, wat yg routine ler; mandi sunat hari raya, iron baju raya but................. this year aq d kerah oleh Mem aq soh buat ketayap. Alamak !!!!

Kalau ikut kata hati, mmg malas se malasnye tapi d sebabkan mak aq sorang aje kat dapur, so aq gagahkan hati ni. Alaaa bukan nye susah pun, cam wat pancake jer.... Lagipun, menu breakfast raya aq yg pilih ....... Ketayap Soup. Makanan turn temurun dari zaman Tok Ayah aq lagi... kire cam memelihara tradisi keluarga ler ni.

Ini lah dia Ketayap Soup...
Sedap  !!!!!!

After solat sunat Eid Fitr, of course sesi maaf maafan antara kami semua. Samada ikhlas ke idak, itu antara yg empunya diri ngan Allah. Selesai sesi bersorry menyorry, mula lah sesi fotografi lak. Macam, tahun2 yg lepas, sama ajer cuma wardrobe jer lain....

Yg sedih nya, akak aku x dapat balik coz dia ada wedding preparation belah abang ipar aq kat Muar. Kalau dorang pun balik, aq brani gerenti, msti umah mak aq cam baru abis d landa Tsunami....

Walau apa pun.... kami ENJOY !!!!!

Ramai ramai berkumpul d Eid Fitr
anak2 and cucu2 Haji Abdul Khalid & Hajjah Rapiah
and cucu2 & cicit2
Haji Maaruf & Hajjah Halimaton

Aq yg hensem ngan Bonda tercinta....

NI keluarga adik aq Azman & Hailey

Ni lak famili adik aq Azuar & Azimah

Ni famili adik bongsu aq Zeti ngan Syahrol

Cucu Hajjah Rapiah beratoq nak kutip duit raya

Ma, hutang semua clear naaa
esok kita start buku baru

My Mom
She's the GREATEST Mom ever